The Voice..."just an advisory group", page-63

  1. 87,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    not IMO --

    it's actually more to do with the nature and character of our environment

    Australia is a hard place - it's a big, very dry lump of dirt - with even coastal rivers being pretty thin on the ground -

    even the ground is hard --- there are other places in the world where the ground is hard as well - but, although aboriginals were well used to Australian conditions -- the first white settlers were used to 'soft'

    where there was plenty of water, the soils were deep, the grasslands soft --- Oz- totally different - it's either pissing down and running away rapidly - or it's brown as a bum and hot as hell - dry as a chip. - Mostly.

    So, Aussies had to do it tough, live hard. ------- then - along came gold, later grain followed and a bit of wool etc. ---

    all a bit iffy. -- Then along came minerals - and, basically - it was easy in comparison - so, Oz sat back and didn't want to do much else.

    It was so far away from the world - it was difficult to think about scale for manufacturing - in a tiny nation in a very large block of dirt - most people never got to see the scale of industrialisation of Germany or the USA - so, they could really only think small - and, thinking small - doesn't take as much guts as thinking big.

    it affected and still affects most Aussies - including politicians - who mostly, think small - then, there's a smattering who think they are better and bigger than others -------- which, when they go OS and meet powerful international leaders - are shown to be what they really are - leaders of a very tiny nation - with - not a lot going for it really - just got a lot of dirt.

    it is a great tragedy for Oz because - in the mob - there are some very smart people with very good ideas - yet - they wither on the vine - because the nation will not back them --------- no guts.

    The nation won't even educate it's people - so, someone with a good idea - can't even run off to Uni and work it through that way ---------------------- because Oz considers that if it provides free education - that it's doing the citizen a favour and the citizen needs to pay because the citizen is the user

    Oz has no idea - just cannot grasp that the Nation is the greatest recipient in the deal

    so, on we go ----------- trying to stand still - to not risk, to not pay ----------- we have designed a system where we think we are wealthy because our house prices rise - whilst, we own little or no industry - and, we sell of the rights to our resources to foreigners - then, put the proceeds into bigger houses

    no guts at all - and, definitely no vision

    read this to get an idea of what is actually happening in Oz ----------- and, this - is really - a plan for disaster

    and, yes - it's actually all to do with voice - all of it
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