the war on meat highly circumspect, page-5

  1. 1,484 Posts.

    One of my Business Mentor's developed Type 2 Diabetes and decided to research treatment through diet.

    He learned some interesting things about Cholesterol - see "the great cholesterol con" - well written and researched and actually funny also. - - (I found a free copy)

    He then came across the "Paleo Diet" which I have been following for the last few months. - best source IMO -

    He is starting to build muscle after cutting his exercise back by about 70%, his body fat is disappearing and he is in control of his blood glucose levels. I am hearing similar results from others.

    But this is only one piece in the puzzle that I am interested in.

    How much,
    ancient aquifer water is used,
    how much top soil is lost,
    how much land is salted,
    how much energy is consumed
    how much wilderness is cleared
    how much chemical and other industry is fed
    in producing grains to fill the bellies of people when their is strong evidence to suggest that it is a sub-optimal diet at best?

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