There is not only a progressive war against Christianity, but...

  1. 353 Posts.
    There is not only a progressive war against Christianity, but also a war against the west and its founding principles, which are Christian in their origin. If you look at the organisations and people that are attacking the very principles of our society . as an example the Teachers union and ABC continual attacks on the fabric of our society , the most damaging is the teachers which rather then concentrating on actually teaching how to read and write properly , are more concerned with gender and indigenous issues. This indoctrination of children is seen today in the attacks by snowflakes on basics of our society, .
    The issue is about where Australia and the west is heading . The anti-Christian movement can trace its roots to the demise of communism. When the communist empire fell, progressives did not want to give up their utopian anti-God illusions, so instead they merely changed the name of their dream. Instead of "communism," progressives have re-branded their movement as "social justice."Taking the afore mentioned groups they show how the progressives are prepared to use any means necessary to stifle their opponents who support the concepts of religious liberty that the West was founded on, and how the battle to destroy Christianity is really the battle to destroy Western civilisation.
    Roz Ward is a leading light to destroy the west , questions should be asked as to how this person with such radical views can influence our children , She keeps her Job and Folau loses his ! The list if social warriors is endless in that cesspit Canberra
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