the war you don't see. , page-24

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    "Which country helped break down the Berlin Wall Blockade?"
    East Germany.

    "Which country enabled the West Germans to bypass the Berlin Wall Blockade?"
    East and West Germany per unification.

    "Which country stopped the North Koreans from imposing their thuggish regime on millions of South Koreans, a regime that resulted in the miserable deaths of thousands,if not millions, of North Koreans?"

    Australia, with a little help from the US?

    "Which country stopped Imperial Japan from imposing its barbaric will on all of Asia, and potentially, Australia?"

    No one, we are still at the mercy of Toyota and Toshiba....

    "Which country stopped the Soviet Union from imposing its iron fisted will, and the spread of its ignominious and barbaric Gulags, on the Free World?"


    "Which country was instrumental, through its firepower, in stopping the 'Ethnic Cleansing' in the old Yugoslavia? "


    Gee, I got different answers, Dili.


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