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The Washington Post article, page-22

  1. niu
    1,638 Posts.
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    I'm not so sure they refuse to comment. Sorry for the long cut and paste but their reporting on their efforts in the community go back as far as the 2012 annual report - this program was in place before construction started. It shows a program that is broad based and evolving - not some static annual donation or tick the box effort. Furthermore, they have been getting recognition for their efforts in this area...

    What they are doing requires a lot more thought and effort than merely doling out a few dollars that would probably not spread very far beyond the initial recipients. Apologies again for the long cut and paste, but if you can get through some repetition (I'll call that consistency) you will see evolution...

    Peace on earth and goodwill to all...

    From 2012 annual report
    Orocobre´s Corporate Social Responsibility forms part of the Company's management strategies through all Group companies. This is reflected in various relationships the Company maintains with local communities, business partners and employees. The aim is to sustainably develop the Company's assets in a responsible and committed manner, compatible with local community development and best environmental practice.

    The Company has developed relationships with local communities based upon 5 fundamental pillars: Education, Health, Production, Transparency and Empowerment. It aims to improve the quality of life of the people, their infrastructure and skills to be able to participate in regional development opportunities

    During the year the Company initiated a number of programmes aimed at children and young people of the Argentine Puna region including technology, sporting and educational activities. The Company also implemented a large number of training sessions to provide local community members with skills required to access employment opportunities in the developing local mining and processing industry.

    The Company has also been active in the area of preventive health, jointly with the “Beñen Hospital” in Susques (Jujuy Province) and the Hospital of San Antonio de los Cobres, Salta Province. These health programs offer local towns and villages pediatric, ophthalmology, free glasses, odontology, audiology and nutrition services not previously available. In schools, the Company provides workshops on environmental care, treatment of waste and its reprocessing.

    Business Development
    The Company is also active in the the generation and development of local businesses. These projects are at different stages of deployment depending on the nature of different communities in the Puna region. Businesses established to service the Olaroz Project include the “Las Vertientes” canteen service that will provide food service to approximately 400 people during the construction stage of Olaroz salar and the "RIVAC" mining services company whose owners are residents of the community. In addition, laundry, bakery, transport and accommodation projects are also underway.

    Labour Exchange
    The Company has developed a Labor Exchange in collaboration with the communities of Susques (Jujuy). This programme is intended to proportionately distribute the labor available in local communities among the local suppliers. This assesses the needs of these communities and current skill sets in order to implement appropriate training courses

    From 2013 annual report

    The aim is to sustainably develop the Company's assets in a responsible and committed manner, compatible with local community development and best environmental practice. The Company's “Jujuy First” strategy aims to ensure maximum participation and cooperation with the local businesses, engineering firms, contractors and the local communities. The programs implemented in the areas of education, health, employment, business development and environment are essential to ensuring a sustainable future for the local communities. In December 2012, Silvia Rodriguez, Shared Value Manager Orocobre Group, received the Distinguished Woman in Mining award at the Argentina Mining Conference 2012. Also in December 2012, the mining magazine Panorama Minero granted an award to Orocobre-Sales de Jujuy S.A for Social Responsibility based on the company's activities within the local communities.

    Community Relationships
    The Company has developed relationships with local communities based upon 5 fundamental pillars: Education, Health, Production, Transparency and Empowerment. It aims to improve the quality of life of the people, their infrastructure and skills to be able to participate in regional development opportunities.

    During the year the Company initiated a number of programmes aimed at children and young people of the Argentine Puna region including technology, sporting and educational activities. There is a specific program focused on improving the high school completion rate. The Company also implemented a large number of training sessions to provide local community members with the skills required to access employment opportunities in the developing local mining and processing industry

    The Company has also been active in the area of preventive health, jointly with the “Beñen Hospital” in Susques (Jujuy Province) and the Hospital of San Antonio de los Cobres, Salta Province. These health programs offer local towns and villages pediatric, ophthalmology, free glasses, odontology, audiology and nutrition services not previously available. In schools, the Company provides workshops on environmental care, treatment of waste and its reprocessing. The Company also provides preventative health education programs.

    Business Development
    The Company is active in the generation and development of local businesses. Businesses have been established to service the Olaroz Project including the canteen service, mining services, laundry, bakery, transportation and accommodation.

    Labour Exchange
    The Company has developed a Labour Exchange in collaboration with the communities of Susques (Jujuy). This programme is intended to proportionately distribute the labour available in local communities among the local suppliers. This assesses the needs of these communities and current skill sets in order to implement appropriate training courses. As of July 2013, this has resulted in employment for approximately 300 individuals from the local communities

    The Company conducts an environmental monitoring progamme with the participation of local suppliers and open to Jujuy community participation

    From the 2014 annual report
    The aim is to sustainably develop the Company's assets in a responsible and committed manner, compatible with local community development and best environmental practice. The Company's shared value policy aims to ensure maximum participation and cooperation with the local businesses, engineering firms, contractors and the local communities. The programs implemented in the areas of education, health, employment, business development and environment are essential to ensuring a sustainable future for the local communities. Orocobre’s corporate responsibility have earned various government and private awards with the most recent in September 2014 when Orocobre was recognised by the committee of Argentina Mining for being an “Outstanding Corporate Socially Responsible Mining Company”. Orocobre also earned the “Tacita De Plata (Silver Cup) Award” in November 2013, granted by Inversiones Empresas y Negocios (Investments, Companies and Business) for outstanding companies throughout 2013.

    Community Relationships
    The Company has developed relationships with local communities based upon 5 fundamental pillars: Education, Health, Production, Transparency and Empowerment. It aims to improve the quality of life of the people and their skills to be able to participate in regional development opportunities

    During the year the Company initiated a number of programs aimed at improving primary and secondary education completion rates within the local communities. Personnel from both the Olaroz project and Borax Argentina mining camps who had previously not completed their formal education were invited to participate in free training programs run by the Company in conjunction with qualified teaching staff, community representatives and corporate volunteers. This program received an outstanding 70% participation rate with ages of participants ranging from 18 to 60 years of age. The program is run at various education levels and, once completed, provides formal recognition for completion of secondary level study. Participants of this program are already beginning to graduate with formal recognition.

    The Company also worked throughout the year with other non-government organisations to run workshops and training programs with the local communities and schools. One such program is the “Junior Achievement” program which provides supplementary, education-enriching classes to young school-aged children as well as providing donations of schooling materials to assist children and teachers.

    Business Development
    This year, the Company has worked in partnership with various nongovernment organisations such as the Endeavour Foundation, to run courses for local community members to teach entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business practices.

    Additional indirect business development has also occurred within the local community through the establishment of assistant amenities to the Olaroz Project, these include the canteen service, mining services, laundry, bakery, transportation and accommodation

    Labour Exchange
    The Company has developed a Labour Exchange in collaboration with the communities of Susques (Jujuy). This programme is intended to proportionately distribute the labour available in local communities among the local suppliers. This assesses the needs of these communities and current skill sets in order to implement appropriate training courses. Additionally, the Company works with COPRETI (“La Comisión Provincial para la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil“) to promote awareness and undertake actions to prevent the use of child labour in the region.

    The Company has also been active in the area of preventive health, jointly with the “Beñen Hospital” in Susques (Jujuy Province) and the Hospital of San Antonio de los Cobres, Salta Province. The “Programa de Prevencion en Salud” (Prevention Program in Health) offers local towns and villages’ paediatric, ophthalmology, dentistry, audiology and nutrition services previously not available. The program is also run internally within Orocobre’s Argentina operations with this year 100% of employees participating in the program and 79% of Borax Argentina employees and 69% of SDJ SA employees receiving some degree of medical treatment.

    In schools, the Company provides workshops on environmental care, treatment of waste and its reprocessing. The Company also provides preventative health education programs such as the “Calidad de Vida” (Quality of Life) program which promotes the prevention and treatment of alcohol and substance addiction.

    The Company also offers a variety of volunteering opportunities for Orocobre Group personnel to participate. The volunteering opportunities range from accompanying tutors and doctors in the health, community and schooling education programs as well as ad hoc participation in sporting, religious or community events. This year numerous Orocobre Group staff joined local parents, teachers and town officials to re-paint the “Olaroz Chico” school.

    The Company conducts an environmental monitoring program with the participation of local suppliers and is open to Jujuy community participation.

    From the 2015 annual report

    Community Relationships
    The Company works on fostering long-term relationships with the local communities in order to provide support based on 5 fundamental pillars, these are: Education, Health, Production, Transparency and Empowerment. Orocobre aims to improve the quality of life for the local population and enhance their workplace skills and experience in order to drive regional development and joint progression.

    Orocobre’s adult education programs, which aim at improving education completion rates within the local community, continued to run during the financial year. Personnel from both the Olaroz Lithium Facility and Borax Argentina who have not completed their formal education are invited to enrol in the free program run by the Company in conjunction with qualified teaching staff, community representatives and corporate volunteers. The program is operated at various education levels and, once completed, provides formal recognition for completion of study. There are currently 96 Orocobre Group employees who are enrolled in the program, which represents a 57% participation rate of those eligible. 71 Participants are enrolled at a speciality or university level, 15 at a secondary level and 10 at a primary level.

    The Company also runs workshops and training programs with the local communities and schools. One such program is the “Junior Achievement” program which provides supplementary, education-enriching classes to young school-aged children as well as provides donations of schooling materials to assist pupils and teachers.

    Business Development
    The Company continues to work with the local communities and organisations to run courses which teach entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business practices. This year, Sales de Jujuy partnered with the National Agricultural Technology Institute (“INTA” or Instituto Nacionel de Tecnología Agropecuaria) and members of the Olaroz Chico community in a project called “Proyecto Quinoa”, which aims to further the local agricultural market. Sales de Jujuy was able to donate tools, supplies, labour and logistics to the project which involved planting new crops of quinoa on donated land using a variety of preparation, growing and harvesting methods to analyse crop yield and quality. The project hopes to expand the agricultural industry in the region and also promote a network of shared information and experience to improve the skills, expertise and business of local growers.

    The Company’s promise to continuously deliver mutually beneficial relationships with the local communities was boosted this year with creation of a new logistics company. The company, which was formed in partnership with local businesses will eventually be responsible for transporting the finished lithium carbonate from the Olaroz Lithium Facility to various export hubs and warehouses.

    Labour Exchange
    The Company previously developed a Labour Exchange in collaboration with the communities of Susques (Jujuy). This programme is intended to proportionately distribute the labour available in local communities among the local suppliers. This assesses the needs of these communities and current skill sets in order to implement appropriate training courses. Additionally, the Company works with COPRETI (“La Comisión Provincial para la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil“) to promote awareness and undertake actions to prevent the use of child labour in the region.

    The Company fosters a “zero harm” approach when it comes to the safety of our employees and project contractors. Orocobre’s Argentina based projects operate on a self-derived OH&S management system which incorporates the accredited ISO system principles. Orocobre’s goal regarding the safety of our operations is to continuously improve the reporting of and reduction in workplace risks and incidents.

    The Company has also been active in the area of preventive health, jointly with the “Beñen Hospital” in Susques (Jujuy Province) and the Hospital of San Antonio de los Cobres, Salta Province. The “Programa de Prevencion en Salud” (Prevention Program in Health) offers local towns and villages’ paediatric, ophthalmology, dentistry, audiology and nutrition services previously not available. The program is also run internally within Orocobre’s Argentina operations. During the period the health care program saw 277 cases handled relating to dental care, resulting in a 48% decrease in tooth decay, 187 cases handled relating to cardiology, with 12% of cases requiring treatment and 235 cases relating to ophthalmology of which 65% of cases required and received treatment.

    The Company also provides preventative health education programs such as the “Calidad de Vida” (Quality of Life) program which promotes the prevention and treatment of alcohol and substance addiction.

    The Company offers a variety of volunteering opportunities for Orocobre Group personnel to participate. The volunteering opportunities range from accompanying tutors and doctors in the health, community and schooling education programs to ad hoc participation in sporting, religious or community events. Overall, the Company has a 44% participation rate in volunteering programs.

    This year the Company’s Jujuy IT department lead a program which assisted the local Olaroz High School students with their study by donating a number of laptops as well as utilising their expertise and equipment to establish an internet connection at the school.

    Environmental monitoring program are regularly conducted with the contribution of local suppliers and is open to Jujuy community participation. In schools, Orocobre Group Companies provide workshops on environmental care, treatment of waste and its reprocessing. There have been no reportable environmental events under the regulations in Jujuy or Salta due to the Company’s activities. Further detail is available in the Directors Report under Environmental Regulation and Performance.

    From the 2016 annual report

    Orocobre improves educational outcomes for employees and local communities by strengthening the capability and offering of universities and schools through collaboration and participation in program development. The Company also encourages new initiatives and programs while promoting innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit within our communities.

    Key enabling programs include the delivery of improved educational infrastructure such as internet service, cable telephone and radio communications (VHF). Another program is the “Junior Achievement” program which provides supplementary, education-enriching classes to young school-aged children as well as donations of schooling materials to assist pupils and teachers.

    Orocobre’s adult education programs, which aim to improve education completion rates within the local community, continued to run during the financial year. Personnel from both the Olaroz Lithium Facility and Borax Argentina S.A. who have not completed their formal education are invited to enrol in the free program run by the Company in conjunction with qualified teaching staff, community representatives and corporate volunteers. The program is operated at various education levels and, once completed, provides formal recognition for completion of study.

    The Company continues to work with the local communities and organisations to run courses which teach entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business practices.

    Key services provided by local suppliers include cleaning and laundry, food and catering, transport and logistics, and accommodation for contractors and employees. The Company promotes programs that encourage local tourism and fair distribution of economic benefits throughout the community.

    Tourism training was conducted jointly with the Ministry of Tourism of the Province of Jujuy. Attendees and areas addressed included the local Visitor Service, Food Culture, Visitor Circuit Design, Preservation of Archaeological Heritage and Hospitality Management within local communities.

    The Company’s promise to continuously deliver mutually beneficial relationships with the local communities was boosted this year with the creation of the Community Interpretation Centre in Olaroz. The centre offers visitors local food, crafts, internet access, information about the flora and fauna of the area and tips for those visiting other communities.

    Orocobre aims to improve the quality of life for the local population and empower communities, individuals and institutions. This is achieved through enhancing their workplace skills and experience, education and health in order to drive regional development and joint progression.

    The community is supported through workshops and training programs that provide financial literacy and support to indigenous communities. This aids in the management of an increasing flow of money and business opportunities within the community. Leadership training in community organisations and indigenous governments supports planning efforts and more effective distribution of economic and social benefits within the community. The programs also support individuals and local organisations who may be unfamiliar with working in larger commercial enterprises.

    During construction the Company developed a Labour Exchange in collaboration with the communities of Susques (Jujuy) to maximise and share the benefits during construction to the 10 local communities in the Olaroz basin. This programme was intended to proportionately distribute the labour available in local communities among the local suppliers. This assessed the needs of these communities and current skill sets in order to implement appropriate training courses. This program will be reintroduced in the potential expansion of Olaroz. Additionally, the Company works with COPRETI (“La Comisión Provincial para la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil“) to promote awareness and undertake actions to prevent the use of child labour in the region.

    The Company fosters a “zero harm” approach when it comes to the safety of our employees and project contractors. Orocobre’s Argentina based projects operate an internally developed OH&S management system which incorporates the accredited ISO system principles and local cultural and legal aspects. Orocobre’s goal regarding the safety of our operations is to continuously improve the reporting of, and reduction in workplace risks and incidents.

    The Company has also been active in the area of preventive health, jointly with local hospitals and through a focus on five key areas: basic sanitation, poverty and social programs, environment, food and nutrition, and education.

    The “Programa de Prevencion en Salud” (Preventive Health Program) offers local towns and villages paediatric, ophthalmology, dentistry, audiology and nutrition services not previously available. The program is also run internally within Orocobre’s Argentina operations. During the period the health care program saw 290 cases handled relating to dental care, 141 cases handled relating to cardiology, and 71 cases relating to ophthalmology.

    The Company also provides preventative health education programs such as the “Calidad de Vida” (Quality of Life) program. During the year the company facilitated 65 talks which promote the prevention and treatment of alcohol and substance addiction.
    Last edited by niu: 25/12/16
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