and there we see your belief - that all that is important is from an individual’s perspective
a subjective perception
that’s plain vanilla egotism.
It infers that you’re incapable of looking objectively.
Most of the events and research findings that I talk about on HC are merely observations. The meaning of them is so obvious and clear that they have to be what you call pessimistic
I don’t make them that way - they just are.
You talk of full dams in Australia- and you seem to infer that, that is good.
But what you miss is that the discussion isn’t about full or empty dams - it’s about climate change and shifting patterns.
You look simply at the dams and say - isn’t it great?
Well, in the context of current water supply and great weather - yes.
But that’s not the issue - later this year or when the rains come - the dams will be full too most likely
but there’s a big possibility that it won’t be a good thing at all
you have no idea of what is happening in climate change - none
You think dams are full - great. Where do you think the runoff goes?
Ask a scientist what’s happening with massive floods around the world and where the floodwaters are ending up - and if that’s a problem?
Then look to where the rain isn’t - and see if there’s a problem there.
And you’ll also see - extremes- floods here-mega droughts there
ask insurance companies and the Australian defence forces if we’re having more or less extremes