The way of life, page-77

  1. 83,350 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''As society becomes more diverse, the range of answers to your question becomes greater and thus the capacity for anything cohesive and useful to all people disappears.''

    ok, if we accept your answer as good -------- and I won't disagree with you

    then, we have a problem ---------- and that problem is - no direction

    what is a country or nation with no direction?

    what it is is a place where people live - and all they do is to live day to day, week to week, year to year -

    stumbling along in the tide ------- 'reacting' to hitting any obstacles or potholes

    now, if that's not bad enough - we have on top of it a country where people can't describe their way of life
    they can't work through what they need to forge forward into a future - any future, let along an ultra rapidly changing hi tech future - etc etc

    it's a guaranteed recipe to be bashed around in the whirlpool of change - no control, no plan, no aim -

    just being at the mercy of whatever forces hit

    does that sound like a good idea?

    if it does not ----------- then, we could actually do something about it if we wished to

    but, as you will see from the housing crisis ---------- fully predicted way back years ago in crystal clear language -

    but, we did nothing - except enhanced the coming of it to a crisis

    and only then - now ----------- we throw our hands to our face and cry - oh no!!

    we have a crisis - and we have no idea how to fix it

    well, the housing crisis is a mere example of the shit we can get into when we do not question - when we do not set directions and goals - when we let go of the steering wheel and just let the vehicle go the way it wants to go - when we don't even have a planned destination or any idea at all of where we want to go

    our lack of vision has been and is a disaster
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