The way of life, page-90

  1. 11,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    yes I agree totally....the written word, while it can be powerful in one sense, can also be misunderstood very easily in another. I read a long time ago that when we communitcate face to face that the words are only 30% of the impact of the conversation. The 70% are things like tone, smile, eyes, body language, etc etc. So in HC, or even to a lesser degree a phone chat, can mislead and confuse the intent of the words. A misunderstanding of intent can easily happen when only 30% of the message is coming through , and we fill in the substantial blanks using our own experiences. So totally fraught with danger! I guess HC isn't a great example of this due to the fact that most messages are such that it's pretty easy to gauge the
    I think thats why dating sites tend to be so difficult for most people, because they think they know someone by their words online, but it's only a version of them which is crerated by ourselves. Life can be fickle.
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