The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1121

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    "As the Holy Spirit, He made the 2nd Adam to which he begot a mortal body for his Son own to use when He was to come as our Saviour and our Redeemer and thus begetting this body his Son, the Holy Spirit is his God and Father became the Father but he Himself had inhabited that who inhabited the temple, Jesus, dwelt in, but the God and Father did not become the Temple John 14:10 body which the Holy Spirit had begotten and in so doing He became the Son. he dwell in the Temple, like the forerunner following

    Ex 40:34 - Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of Yehowah filled the tabernacle -> Jesus in the future John 14:10, possibly at his Baptism, when the Spirit descended.
    Glory being the word of God John 17:20 -23.

    and God was/is Word = Word God and man the image of = Word Man.

    1:13 (God was Word) -> .........but of God were born = Word, Word man, born again.

    Mal 3:1 - Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way beforeme: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith Yehowah of hosts.

    Prepare the way, what was, who it was (Yehowah) and what his word brings and means = most of John's prologue, written in places with the Father, Yehowah doing the talking, just like we see in the OT.

    1:14 - And the Word Man (existing, as per Luke, behind the scenes) to become (on the scene after meeting John) and dwell in
    I (Father) and behold glory self, glory as only begotten by the side of the Father, full of grace and truth.
    And Lo, Behold -> Jesus at some point after he meets John the Baptist, which is where he only literally enters John, he says, I am in the Father, possibly the Baptism timing, when the Spirit descended.

    More Lo, Behold - 17:22 - And the glory which thou gavest me (by his side) I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
    Again, glory being the word of God.
    AND now the truth that he would behold as well - Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

    15 John bear witness about Self (Yehowah), and cried out loud to say; This I am who bring word, the one behind I to come, because first I am (John born 6 mths earlier and first on the scene, as he was to first prepare the way for Yehowah)

    16 - Because from the fullness Self, I (Yehowah 1:4), all receive grace over and against no grace period.
    17 - For the law through Moses was given; grace and truth through Jesus Christ, to come into being (to happen, to become).

    1:30 Confirming 15 - This I am beyond who I bring word; After I to come a man, who in front of I to become, because first I am
    (First I am = as above).

    From 14 - 17, no way is Jesus literally on the scene and neither is his mission completed, it is all in prophesy stage, come mode.
    Zero mention in 1:14 of the likes of - and the Word was made flesh, that is no more than tampering with the Greek order of words, to create another story.

    Go check the Interlinear, B/Hub for yourself, click the word definitions and let them do the talking, and not the CC's etc.
    When they use the term "usage" for a word it means, their bias view does not gel with the correct definition, so they abandon the definitions for set seeds.

    Rev 2:17 - He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, = the word of God

    "overcometh" = Be prepared for war because, that is what finding truth entails, in more ways than you can imagine.

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