G'Day Tonio, I take it and hope all's been well,"Mal 3:1 -...

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    G'Day Tonio, I take it and hope all's been well,

    "Mal 3:1 - Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith Yehowah of hosts."

    Isa 40:3 - The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of Yehowah; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God.

    "Jesus who is God , the Word made flesh."
    It is very clear, Yehowah God is speaking in the above, and the one to suddenly appear is most definitely not him made flesh.

    (NOTE, I have placed a line through "his" n Mal, as that is clearly a trinity addition it would appear, the Interlinear does Not support it.
    To boot, when Jesus goes to the Temple, he calls it, his Fathers House).

    Yehowshuwa -> Jesus, is NOT Yehowah.

    Who does Jesus say this God is here in Isa 40:3 -> 17:3 - This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the Only True God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    O hear Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah. 1 = 1 as in singular, one Spirit, the Holy He is.

    1 Cor 8:6 - But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we through him.

    The way at first is clearly being prepared for the God and Father, Yehowah (AS THAT IS WHAT THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH) as soon, he would be sending the Son into the world, Mal shows this, AFTER his Baptism John 17:18.

    OT times to flow into the NT times approaching, the way, make straight is TRUTH of what was, who it was and what his word brings and represents and this is pretty much most of the Prologue of John.
    John the Baptist would have been teaching all this, about Yehowah and tagging on the end of those messages, that one was yet to follow him.
    The fact of John not being worthy of wearing Jesus's sandals, does ZERO for your case = irrelevant.
    The closest literal presence of Jesus in the fist 18 verses, is 1:18 = end of the story, to which you then read John to find out how 1:18 come about.

    NO WAY is Jesus literally on the scene in 1:14, that IS a prophesy, he is behind the scenes, already made, Luke, the Father still prepping him I expect.
    The word made flesh = the word of God = Eph 3:9 came down from heaven via the Angel to Mary and Word Man was made, 2nd Adam. Like Isa 55:8-11.
    Because the word and power came down from heaven and made the 2nd Adam, he is referred to as heavenly for these reasons, as he was not made of dust, earthly.

    NO WAY does the truth say, the Word was made flesh in 1:14, that is a LIE.

    1:1 .......and God was/is Word.
    Word God -> image of = Word Man.

    And the Word Man (existing behind the scenes) to become -> (on the scene AFTER meeting John) and dwell in I (Father) and behold glory self, glory as only begotten by the side of the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Later Jesus says -> I am in the Father.
    The very fact that glory here mentions truth, tells you that the glory is the word of God and naturally all that that brings.
    Jesus was given the glory/word, truth J 17:17, 22.

    You have perfect flow and alignment of scriptures here.

    Jesus is deemed as a Word of God, titled "The".
    We are deemed as Words of God, because we are the image of.
    Brother and Sister Words to Jesus.
    Your words and God's etc, are our spirit expressed, while your words are in you, they are you.

    In beginning was the Spirit and the Spirit was to the God and God was the Spirit = simples and there is only one singular Spirit in this regards and that is the Holy Spirit = the God and Father.

    The writer of John would have been well aware of Mal 3:1, so he wrote the prologue, preparing the way, predominantly for Yehowah and he was either instructed by God or inspired to write in places, with Yehowah himself speaking, as you see here for example in 1:14, "I" being the Father.
    That should be of no surprise as that often happened in the OT times.
    So, as well as John the Baptist introducing Yehowah, the writer does as well, and Yehowah introduces himself and tells you a bit about himself.
    To know the Father is the know the Son.
    He speaks in 5- 6 verses and then we see no more as Jesus becomes his spokes person.
    Jesus was given the Fathers words without measure, raised in them Deu 18:18, so when he expressed them out, he Became the express image of God's PERSON = WORD, The Word.

    John in John 14:10 defines seeing the Father by hearing the words coming out of him = seeing spiritually.

    The following verses after 1:14, truth of, do NOT support Jesus literally being in 1:14.
    You Tonio need to deal with and explain two key and vital words in 1:14 =
    to become and I.

    What is to become = and dwell in I -> ZERO to do with becoming flesh or flesh became, that already exists to boot.
    You need to address it.
    "I" is the ONLY definition = singular option to use, you CANNOT make an "US" out of it and look me in the face, so to speak and tell me that's truth.
    So, WHO is the "I" here Tonio?

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