1:14 he is to later come on the scene -> and dwell in I = who is...

  1. 5,657 Posts.
    1:14 he is to later come on the scene -> and dwell in I = who is the "I".
    You got to many gears going round your head

    You thanked me for posting it and come up with this "I am" irrelevant nonsense, which does NOT answer the above here.
    You simply CANNOT make the word "US" which many Bibles do, out of this ONE Only definition "I".

    Again, you are very desperate in your feeding and elevating your ego, in no uncertain terms did I ever thank you in the last 8 years for any reason whatsoever, again your desperation is showing

    You got to many gears going around your head, as in the above you are delusional take on 1:14 to even contemplate the thought that I thanked you.

    Like it or not, most likely you won’t like it, what this verse is saying is very simple to the educated, but not to the delusional, this is what the actual verse is saying.

    John 1:14 is a significant verse that describes the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Let's break down the verse and examine its meaning:

    "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."
    1."And the Word became flesh": Here, "the Word" refers to Jesus Christ, who is identified as the divine Word or Logos. This verse reveals that the eternal Word, who existed with God from the beginning as mentioned in John 1:1, became human or took on human form (flesh.

    2."And dwelt among us": This phrase indicates that Jesus physically lived and dwelled among humanity. It emphasizes His incarnation, His coming into the world as a human being.

    3."And we have seen his glory": Those who witnessed Jesus' earthly ministry, including the apostle John the author of the Gospel of John, testify that they have seen His glory. The glory of Jesus refers to His divine nature and attributes, which were manifested through His miracles, teachings, and ultimately, through His death and resurrection.

    4."Glory as of the only Son from the Father": This phrase emphasizes that Jesus is the uniquely begotten Son of God the Father. His glory is not like that of any ordinary human being but is reflective of His divine nature as the Son of God.

    5."Full of grace and truth": This description points to the character and nature of Jesus. He is described as abounding in grace, representing God's unmerited favour, and truth, signifying His reliability, faithfulness, and the embodiment of God's truth.

    In summary, John 1:14 declares the extraordinary truth that the eternal Word, who is Jesus Christ, became human, dwelled among us, and revealed His divine glory. This verse encapsulates the vital theological concept of the incarnation, affirming that Jesus is fully God and fully man.
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