The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1834

  1. 5,731 Posts.
    YOU are calling God Yehowah a liar when he said he alone in OT times was the saviour, when in fact according to you, there was at least two

    "In the fullness of time, God deemed the world ready for His Son to enter in human form,"

    Money where your mouth is, so to speak, produce the scriptures that say this.
    Not a single prophesy even hints at this, don't Please try and suggest if was a secrete, as that would be a BIG lie.

    It doesn’t have to be a prophecy, this is only your take to justify yourself.

    And here is the verse re "fullness of time"

    Gal4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
    In Galatians 4:4, the apostle Paul emphasizes several important points about Jesus' birth. Let's explore the meaning of each point:

    "But when the fullness of time had come": This phrase implies that God's timing is perfect. Throughout history, God had been preparing the world for the coming of Jesus. Jesus' birth occurred at the precise time appointed by God for his redemptive plan.

    "God sent forth his Son": This highlights the divine initiative and intention behind Jesus' birth. Jesus was not simply born as a human being; he was sent by God the Father, indicating his divine origin and purpose. Jesus is the Son of God incarnate, sent into the world to fulfill God's salvific plan.

    "Born of woman": Jesus' humanity. Although Jesus had a divine nature as the Son of God, he also entered the world as a fully human being, born to a woman. This affirms Jesus' humanity and the reality of his fully experiencing human life.

    "Born under the law": This refers to Jesus being subject to the Mosaic Law that God gave to the Israelites. As a Jewish man, Jesus lived under the same legal and religious obligations as any other Jewish person. This was a part of his life's experience and allowed him to fulfill the requirements of the Law on behalf of humanity.

    Galatians 4:4 underscores the significance of Jesus' birth happening at God's perfect timing, his divine mission as the Son of God sent into the world, his true humanity as born of a woman, and his adherence to the Mosaic Law. These aspects highlight the unique nature and purpose of Jesus' incarnation, marking a key point in God's redemptive plan for humanity.


    As Jesus was raised (Deu 18:18) and taught by God in his word, Jesus taught them and just like he was sent into the world, he sent them.
    No, this verse has been explained to you many times, if you don’t get it, its your problem, use your good memory and search what I have written to you about this
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