The reason the Twelve disciples were initially sent only to the...

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    The reason the Twelve disciples were initially sent only to the house of Israel can be understood in the context of Jesus' ministry and mission.

    Firstly, it is important to note that Jesus' primary objective was to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament and establish the kingdom of God. This fulfillment involved the salvation and reconciliation of the Jewish people, as they were God's chosen nation and held a unique covenant relationship with Him.

    Secondly, during Jesus' earthly ministry, the message of the kingdom of God needed to be proclaimed to the Jews first. The Jewish people were familiar with the promises and prophecies regarding the coming Messiah and the restoration of Israel. By focusing on the Jewish people initially, Jesus was affirming His role as the Messiah and offering them the opportunity to accept Him and enter into the kingdom of God.

    Additionally, the disciples were being trained and prepared for their future mission of spreading the gospel to the entire world. By starting with the Jewish people, they developed a solid foundation of understanding and teaching regarding the kingdom of God before expanding their outreach to the Gentiles.

    However, it is important to note that Jesus' mission was not solely limited to the house of Israel. Throughout His ministry, Jesus interacted with Gentiles and showed compassion towards them. Eventually, after His resurrection, Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission, commanding them to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This expanded their mandate to include all people, irrespective of their ethnic background.

    While the Twelve disciples were initially sent only to the house of Israel, it was part of Jesus' overall plan to fulfill prophecies, establish the kingdom of God, and prepare His disciples for their future mission to the entire world.
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