No, the truth says God was the WordOnly in your deluded mind...

  1. 24,042 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    No, the truth says God was the Word

    Only in your deluded mind under a great delusion.
    The same deluded mind that doesn't know what a mouth is, what it means by without beginning of days or before all things.

    There is a creation of the Word by you lot

    Only by your stupid interpretation. Us lot tell you distinctively there is no creation of the Word, which is without beginning of days and before all things.

    If that were so, the Bible and John 1-3 demands that you show that Jesus spoke creation into being,

    You just get more and more stupid, running with the same clueless stupidity over and over and over and over.

    At the time he was here,

    Always and not just here but everywhere. Without beginning of days and before all things.

    this is what he had to say to the stupid, clueless Gum ->

    That may be the case but it only reveals how much more stupid and clueless you are, as represented by above and your continous stupidity and cluelessness repeating the same stupid and clueless representations of what is actually said.

    Like this repetitive stupid cluelssness> his now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the ONLY TRUE God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    How stupid and clueless can you actually be?
    So really really stupid and cueless!

    The clueless one is exhibited here by you claiming Jesus is this only true God here,

    Nobody is claiming what your stupid cluelessness interprets. That is just your stupid cluelessness!

    "The Word is God as you can clearly read."

    Yay, wotsup, it has finally sunk into your stupid clueless brain!
    Miracles can happen!

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


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