God is Spirit and not a Spirit.If one defines him as an "a",...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    God is Spirit and not a Spirit.
    If one defines him as an "a", then you place limitations on him.
    Hence, he can be anywhere and every where at the same time, but still predominantly in heaven.

    and God was/is the Word.
    His words are also Spirit - OT -> the word of Yehowah said to me - the Spirit of Yehowah said to me = interchanged again = one in the same.
    Words of God come via an angel in the OT and they then said, now I have seen your face = Yehowah's, the Word. (seen spiritually).

    God is Word (deemed as) Word = Dabar and the 3 letters say -> Door -> House (Kingdom/Temple) Head -> Lord God Almighty.
    Jesus says, in my Fathers house and I am in the Father.

    Jesus and us are the image of - Words, now look at the above = you - 2 Cor 6:16 your a Temple, image of.
    Rev 21:22 - And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
    (Both temples in their own right, now forming one - I and the Father are one = One in word John 17:20-23, glory there being the word of God, as we are to become one as they are).

    Kingdom = the word of God, truth of, which would or is, in some now.

    God is Spirit = The Almighty God and Father IS the one Holy Spirit, it is not a separate being as most wrongly claim.

    Ex 1 & 2 Cor, one says that the Spirit dwells in our Temple and the other says God dwells in our temple = God and Spirit are interchanged, same writer, meaning they are one in the same.
    The Holy Spirit Fathered Jesus, and we know who the Father is = the Only True God, as defined by Jesus when he was here John 17:3.

    Lie to the Holy Spirit = you lie directly two the God and Father, it's not the Holy Spirit running back to the Father and reporting your lie LOL.

    So there you go Word Gold.

    And what do us words need, Aleph Tav or Alpha Omega -> A to Z, the letters for forming the Spirit/words of, before being expressed, just as John 1:1,2 show, which are then shown to have been expressed by John 1:3 (part of) and God said, and God said and God said, let there be a Jesus and he was good and became in favor with God Luke 2:52, to the extent that God was well pleased with him lol.

    Hmmmmm, "in favor", I wonder when this pre-existing Jesus that people create, fell out of favor with God eek.pngtongue.png
    A pre-existing one, is like the Easter Bunning story LOL.
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