The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-2237

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    Hi Tonio,

    You are using the Advocate context, re 1 John and trying to apply this same context to the Comforter subject, when they are clearly two totally different contexts.
    Your 1 John context is the likes of the following;

    1 Tim 2:5 - For there is one Godand one Mediator between God and men, the Man (2nd Adam) Christ Jesus,
    (That is NOT the same context as the Comforter area).

    The Advocate, Comforter is not in the context of someone or something Advocating on your behalf to another person or being, or like a Barrister working on your behalf, addressing the judge, and the Interlinear following and verses, makes this Very Clear.
    It is simply to console, comfort, teach and lead you and it stops there.

    John 14:26 - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

    "He will teach you all things," = John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.
    "It is written" -> Isa 54:13 - Then all your sons will be taught by Yehowah (Father), and great will be their prosperity.

    Taught by God = the one Jesus defined independently of himself, as the only true God and Father John 17:3.

    John 16:14 - He (Father) shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine (words & interpretation), and shall shew it unto you.
    (The Father glorified Jesus)

    paraklétos: called to one's aid
    Original Word: παράκλητος, ου, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: paraklétos
    Phonetic Spelling: (par-ak'-lay-tos)
    Definition: called to one's aid
    Usage: (a) an advocate, intercessor, (b) a consoler, comforter, helper,

    Hence, there is zero Advocating coming from you to an Advocate who then goes back to the God and Father on your behalf, that is simply a deluded notion by you Tonio.
    It is very CLEAR from the actual DEFINITION here and most suggestions, as in how the word Advocate (if your going to use it), is to be understood.
    Not to mention, exactly what the purpose of it is for, console and teach.

    "The Father is not the Holy Spirit," = what.png

    The following says that your words here are from the father of LIES.

    Matt 1:20 -
    But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

    Even a child can SEE that the Holy Spirit is Jesus's Father and we know that Jesus does Not have two Fathers.

    You cannot refute the above and maintain Bible truth Tonio! wink.png

    John 17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ = (Son of the only true God and Father).

    So tell us all Tonio, with such an important subject, eternal life, WHY does Jesus not say, you need to also know a holy spirit person, as well as him and the Father, for eternal life?????????????????????????? eek.png
    BECAUSE the Father IS this ONE Holy Spirit -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah -> God is Spirit = The Holy.
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