DBT9 is back on the money Mr Gordon regarding the councilsDid...

  1. RM
    7,420 Posts.
    DBT9 is back on the money Mr Gordon regarding the councils

    Did you know that the great defender of the Trinity at the council of Nicaea St Athanasius, as part of the duties as the bishop of Alexandria. St. Athanasius had to send out a letter each year to inform all other bishops of the date of Easter. Athanasius’ 39th letter in the year 367 AD, included a complete listing of the canon, this is a quote from Athanasius 39th letter

    “having been urged thereto by true brethren, and having learned from the beginning to set before you the books included in the Canon, and handed down, and accredited as Divine.”

    This was well before the final canonisation council held in Carthage in 397 AD .

    Mr Gordon the NT books did not become authoritative for the Catholic church because they were added on a canonical list. The catholic church included them because they were already regarded as divinely inspired, possessing authority from the Apostles.

    Mr Gordon why was there no Jehovah Witnesses present during such an important process, they were Trinitarians no one believed Jesus was the arch angel Michael and that an angel was the creator, a creature not God.

    Why no followers of your Jehovah and Michael?

    Last edited by RM: 20/12/23
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