The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-61

  1. 5,689 Posts.
    You are making things up as to what you think I'm understanding.
    The OT people knew full well of exactly who God is/was, FULL knowledge of him, there was NO Jesus in existence in OT times, just as Luke's child like language, opener shows.
    The Jesus to be was a plan hid in God, which is known as his Logos, part of his logos meaning in John 1:1,2. Eph 3:9.

    No, they did not know fully who God is/was and this (below) is the reason I wrote that post, you yourself admitted that in the OT they did not know what we know now, your trying to pull my leg now

    You wrote
    "We all know that Now, not like the OT times, that eternal life hinges on knowing both of them, but the way to it is through the Door.
    OT times it said Yehowah alone, but we know full well that he was always going to do this through a future one" one.

    Jesus revealed much of what was not known about God, just about all that we now know about God today

    Really, if you don’t know this very basics, there is no need to even bother replying to anything else in this post

    My dear wotsup, no one is denying that the man Jesus didn’t exist before His incarnation, but the “Word” did which was WITH God and the Word WAS God, and became Flesh

    The plan God had was simple, and that was for the salvation of all of humanity, which will be done by Him, God, through the Word; Logos the embodiment of God into creation, to make it into one with Himself which part of is his logos meaning in John 1:1,2. Eph 3:9.

    You are making things up as to what you think I'm understanding.
    Really its you that is making things up, no need for me to make things up, as I know for a fact you are a master of this, ever changing from the time of Bowral
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