I want to encourage all those that are seeking the truth, who...

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    I want to encourage all those that are seeking the truth, who are looking to God and the Christ for salvation, to truly look at todays world and the lies..

    Know that Christmas is satanic, pagan, it is 100% a mockery to God. 2 billion people celebrate Christmas, and 99.9% of them have not a clue of its true meanings and foundations.. Santa alone is the biggest mockery ever.. He has long white hair and and a beard as alike how God is described in revelation. He lures children to him to answer their prayers of their selfish wants. He is obese and encourages humans to indulge, when God asks you to treat your body as a temple. he Comes as a thief in the night to reward the good.. Christ is to return to reward the faithful, in scripture it is said he will return as alike a thief in the night . Santa wears a red robe, Red being that of Lucifers colour, a representation of sin, for they even dressed the Christ in a scarlet robe when they crucified him. He Sits on a gold throne, as like the Father of Heaven is depicted in revelation. Santa's name alone is a mockery, show me other word that spell santa, yes SATAN... the bible tells you to call no man father, yet he is called "Father Christmas"... Even Santa Claus is a a disguised for Satan Lucas, Lucas a well known name given to Lucifer by those that worship lucifer... the list goes on and on.

    Santa encourages Parents to lie, they tell their children of a man form the north that will reward them for being good... parents take their children to him and sit them on his knee to listen to their prayers as they are encouraged to be selfish in their wants... when the children come of age and find out that Santa is not real, they then see their parents as liars and deceivers.. the trust goes... If you have ever tried to bring up your children believing in the Christ and the heavenly father while also telling them that Santa is real, you have just proved that you are a story teller to your child, one that tell lies... they no longer believe in God or Santa thanks to this very lie...

    Santa is 100% a pure mockery...
    he sits on a gold throne as alike God the Father in revelation
    His names are all mockeries, as alike "Father Christmas", the bible tells you to call no man father. Saint Nick, Santa claus... all mockeries
    his hair is white and long with a snow white beard, this is how the Father in heaven is described sitting on a throne..
    He has helpers being that of elves, God has Angels.
    Satan's colour is represented as red, red being the representation of sin all through scripture, and even Pilate threw a Red cloak over the Christ, more mockery.

    the list is endless..

    Then we have the time of the year, nothing to do with Christ's birth, in fact its the birth of a pagan god, all the rituals so called christens follow are pagan, even down to the Christmas tree...

    I encourage any one that wants the real truth to seek it out and rebuke the devil and Christmas.. God hates Christmas..

    And don't fool yourselves into thinking this is a time to do good... that rubbish... Do good all year, not just once a year.

    Most suicide rates happen this time of year, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... the world over indulges, books up their credit cards, go into debt... all for what, to celebrate a pagan satanic festival in which they have no clue about...

    The more you research this, the more you will realize that its pure satanic... Satan doesn't want you to know the truth, he would rather you laugh at this and shrug it of, as the more you do such, the more you embrace pagan rituals...

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