The way we were, or aren't now!, page-42

  1. 34,341 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    thanks for your measured reply. its nice to get a response that isnt aimed at showing how smart one is by using ridicule.

    I do suggest you watch it for your own edification and not listen too much to the reviews. id also suggest watching black mirror and the episode about social media. both have a point to make and both show us not only a glimpse at the future but where we are now. remember your kids kids are growing up with this and it is designed (facebook has admitted) to alter your brain wiring.

    yes ive read all the usual books - 1984, platos republic, brave new world etc and overcoming tribalism is a theme that runs thro all of them. a global identity if you like without borders. well we've seen how that went for Europe. death and destruction with more to come

    I use tor and ixquick on occasion not yet a vpn but soon. privacy is now an anachronism especially with the young who don't grasp that privacy is an essential construct of society. the opposite is despotism al la mao, stailn, pol pot, venezuala (you must be a party member to receive emergency food) and so on.

    thanks for the tidbit of info there as well. ill look into all of those
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