The Islamists will self-destruct - as with all predictions, it...

  1. 17,889 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 145
    The Islamists will self-destruct - as with all predictions, it will pan out differently. Maybe their conservative world view will temper some of the excesses of the West, maybe their time has come, although I believe their internal religious difference have a long way to go and will be the source of many more conflicts; I do believe (note: 'believe') that their backward religion is eventually going to take its toll on its believers, but not without more conflict.
    Yes, maybe back to scratch for all of us - but it's called 'evolution' and it takes time.

    I am not really in the business of predictions, but let me just try:
    Europe will continue to exist, but will need to begin patrolling the Mediterranean and hold back untrammeled African migration.
    The migrants now present will begin the long and painful road to integration, best thing would be 'slavery' or at least some supervised attachment of a migrant to each resident family, so they can learn the local ways.
    Merkel will lose the next election or will not even be selected as leader of her party.

    Turkey will have a revolution of sorts as Erdogan is beginning to be more and more of a dictator and at least 50 % of Turks see themselves as 'modern' - Europe should have integrated them long ago, thus influencing Erdogan - now it's too late.

    The U.S. - unless it starts a nuclear conflagration - will become less concerned with it's role in the larger world - most likely its leading industry will be anything emanating from 'Silicon Valley'. China will take its place, and incidentally begin using Africa as a source of cheap labour. Parts of South America will also become a cheap resource of labour, should our capitalist system continue.

    Australia should try and grow its population, particularly in the West, but should also become more aware of the scarcity of water (and we should begin educating ourselves in the correct use of water) and stop giving away its resources and real estate and farms to rich overseas buyers (many from China). The power to watch here is China, but also Indonesia with its millions of people - we may need a larger defence system. There will be a slow creep of coloured people into Australia - not a bad thing in itself in a heating world where an olive skin colour can protect you from skin cancer.

    Saudi Arabia and the entire Middle East will lose its importance as the principal oil producers - oil will still be needed for at least another 50 years, but will eventually give way to perhaps nuclear fusion power, or alternative sources of energy.

    Israel is biding its time and will try and get more territory for its people - remember it, too, has nuclear weapons. Generally, there will be attempts at snatching land from each other all over the Middle East - Turkey is gunning for the Kurds (and has always secretly supported ISIS) and has for a long time, all of these attempts based on ideology/religious/factionalism. anything new here?

    Europe, together with England, Scotland, Ireland could become a power to be reckoned with again, but I believe there will be a shift to the East.

    People will begin to eat more vegetarian food, or at least reduce their meat intake, as we will not be able to continue producing large herds of cattle for food, similarly with fishing the oceans - fish farms will become more widespread.

    Computers and its associated fun gadgets will become increasingly important as people no longer need to learn skilled professions and our big brain still craves stimulation.

    In the meantime we seem to have a world which is capable of not only creating artificial money by means of 'algorithms' the same algorithms can also produce a huge propaganda machine from the Internet, Facebook and their offspring from which ideas can spread like wildfire - good and bad ideas. So EDUCATION and the spread of humanitarian ideas as well as practical help and involvement of each individual - especially the super-wealthy - is the only answer I have for many of the world's problems.

    Just IMO
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