The rep was sent out to do the rural sales run and got himself...

  1. 17 Posts.
    The rep was sent out to do the rural sales run and got himself well and truly lost, somewhere out the back of Cobar. Seeking directions he drove off the road to a homestead and parked by a well. There was no answer to his calls so he decided to wait.
    Now if you look down a deep well it just looks like a black hole and it’s just natural to wonder how deep it is. This exact thought occurred to the rep and he looked for a pebble to drop down the hole so’s he could hear the splash. Now out the back of Cobar it’s just dust and more dust. No pebbles. No stones. Just a very big railway sleeper.
    He tried to resist the temptation but as time wore on it became an obsession that he was unable to withstand and he picked up the sleeper and dropped it down the well.
    As it fell down the well he heard a noise and looked around to see a goat flying through the air straight towards him. He ducked, and the goat missed him and shot down the well.
    The rep was upset about this attack and retired to the shade of the machinery shed. This is where the farmer found him when he drove around on his bike.
    The rep explained that he was lost and the farmer pointed out where he taken the wrong track. As the rep was going to leave the farmer said “Did you see my goat” The rep said that he hadn’t and the farmer said “Well, don’t worry, I’ll find him, he can’t have gone far, I had him tied to a big sleeper.

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