NEA 0.00% $2.10 nearmap ltd

The West Australian Article, page-53

  1. 4,600 Posts.
    I really can't see enough difference in what Nearmap offers compared to Google Earth Pro to warrant the price difference of charging vs free. If you want a recent image there are plenty of companies in US doing aerial photography, $1000 drone can take HD photos/video of a building site in fact that's an interesting discussion in itself increasing impact drones have on fixed and rotary wing contracting as they gain more CAA approval.


    Nearmap Niagra falls.jpg

    Google Earth Pro

    Google  Niagra falls.jpg

    Not forgetting of course Google map is 3d and can pan around for even greater detail and usability. Again just amazing amount of coverage at no cost.

    Google  Niagra falls 2.jpg

    Last edited by Katoom: 19/05/15
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