The West Needs to Wake Up!, page-58

  1. 81,157 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    what's that got to do with the price of eggs?

    and, your last comment on drag --------------- what's that got to do with gender or homosexuality?

    there's a real depth of ignorance in our culture - people who don'k know the difference between sex/gender - the same people link homosexuality with drag and then with child abuse - it just goes on and on - the depths of dumb is almost as unfathomable as the depth of stupidity

    then, there's the odd thing that if some of the boneheads go to prison - they end up having sex with the same sex and genders as themselves -

    but, they don't regard themselves as homosexual

    the cockroach trying to learn algebra is basically brilliant in comparison
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