So, did you guys bother to read the rest of the ann? or just the tiny bit of negativity to support your down ramp?
"Meanwhile, further holes drilled at Nova have provided the following visual and assay results (all estimated to be true width):
? 16 metres @ 1.66% nickel and 0.64% copper from 340.8 metres,
including 4.05 metres @ 3.83% nickel and 0.87% copper from
341.4 metres in SFRD0108 on the 550N line at the southern end
of the deposit.
? 84.85 metres of mixed (massive, breccia and strongly
disseminated) sulphides from 294.0 metres, including 12.9
metres of massive sulphides from 351.9 metres in SFRD0128, an
infill hole on the 650N line - the thickest intersection yet at
? 40.4 metres @ 2.25% nickel and 1.1% copper from 314.0
metres, including 8.54 metres @ 5.24% nickel and 1.01% copper
from 341.95 metres and 4.25 metres @ 4.76% nickel and 3.1%
copper from 348.15 metres in SFRD0113, an infill hole on the
750N line.
A fifth rig is now on site and will continue to rapidly advance the infill, metallurgical and geotechnical drilling at Nova, the exploratory drilling of satellite positions around it, and the corridor stretching from Nova, via the IP anomaly, to conductor 3 once the weather improves."
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