the whereu dilemma, page-4

  1. 6,725 Posts.
    A beautiful post in and of itself though perhaps not completely to the thread.

    My challenge to you is this. When we study the Bible, we are wise to meditate on what we read and store it in our heart so that we can determine what pleases Jehovah in our case.

    Whose we?
    *There is censure of the internet for JWs apart from the prescribed JW website.
    *There is no reading the Bible alone and interpreting anything in a way that is in the least bit contrary to the interpretations that come down the pipeline via the watchtower from head office. To have an inspired moment in which the Bible is revealed in truth and in a different light to the orthodox interpretation of the governing body could lead to being shunned or disfellowshipped.
    *JWs are told to avoid independent thinking.

    So what could you possibly be meditating on when meditation is a private thing concerning private thoughts?

    I could go on but I'm sure you get the point.

    There is no, we, there is only, they. They, break the Bible down into bite-sized chunks and spoon feed it to their fellowship. Now if, they, were of such an accurate and infallible standard and the last hope of Christianity, why is it that the New Testament did not mention or make allusion to America, the Western world or the Jehovah Witness as the only hope and future of Christianity and humankind?

    Now I don't challenge you on this stuff to be a pain in the neck. I think you're a good-hearted fellow who deserves better. The Jehovah Witness are not who they claim to be. Their errors of prophecy and scriptural interpretation are glaring to say the least.

    The first duty of every individual is to independently investigate all truth. This is a requirement from God that leads one into a personal sense of justice. Every collective body of humans needs a code of conduct by which to function but this does not include annexing the collective thinking of the group. When independent thinking is withdrawn its most extreme manifestation are groups like ISIS. Independent thinking does not lead to disunity in a true religion. The truth is self evident and can accommodate freedom of thought. With freedom of thought comes a richer tapestry of understanding.
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