I did say the Western World and I don’t think France is much...

  1. 29,983 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I did say the Western World and I don’t think France is much different from the other western countries.
    Perhaps you should point out how the Tories have been steering the uK for quite a while or that here in Australia the LNP has been in charge for a large part of recent history.

    But I would point out that in Pommyland the recent Tory Party muppets have been pandering to the Greens (hard left) voters with policies that are far Left of what most conservative voters would prefer.
    Same goes with 2 out of our last Aussie LNP PM’s.

    As I see it, any political party that thinks it can run on High immigration and Drastic accelerations in emissions related policies will be spanked hard in the next couple of election cycles (at least).

    Future you can tell me I’m wrong but I seriously doubt you’ll get the chance.

    The plebs are waking up, all be it slowly but the signs are there (when someone like Madame P is starting to sound like a far right Righty).
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