the world is much safer place now , page-2

  1. 2,452 Posts.
    Do not blame the world...Do not blame those who want to put an end to all the terroristic killings.
    Blame the perpetrators. The islamic sub-human terrorists. Those barbarians who have absolutely no respect for human lives! They are to be blemed...And ERADICATED! The sooner the world, the non-infested by muslim vermin world that is, obliterates islamic terrorism the safer we will be!
    Wake-up please......Realise that: Every muslim=a potential murderer...Terrorist...beheader of innocent human beings!
    Hannibal Ante Portas!! Stop Islamic migration NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The only way to keep Australia ...Beautiful.....Unpolluted...And above all: SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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