the yanks will lose this one too, page-25

  1. 1,978 Posts.
    re: tt -the yanks will lose this one too Heremes

    As another poster quite correctly pointed out you post utter dribble -we were in Bagdad when you were in Dadsbag. You are a little boy in short pants with no idea of military or political strategies. The fact is Vietnam halted the spread of communism -albiet at a high cost. And they did not lose the war - the Yanks could have blown them out of the jungle with one bomb. When you lose wars you are militarily defeated -not politically defeated -and I don't believe the latter occurred -the spread of communism was halted most assuredly.We just had all the same ratbags and bleeding hearts in internal politics opposed to the war as we have now with Iraq -but 'flower power' smelly long hairs and idiots like you can protest to your hearts content-it will change nothing mate-you are wasting your breath this time around. We should have taken out N Vietnam, N Korea and Iraq -when will you ever learn that it costs much more in the long run to allow these fruitcakes to operate behind their borders to build their arsenals and hatred for our values once again. The USA has now reached that conclusion -but it took Sept 11th. The nature of man -just like the jungle -the strong shall prevail and nothing is ever going to change human nature. Get them or they get you -Yep I wish it were different but it 'aint.
    Iraq is but one step now in the grand plan in USA dominance so you might as well be on the winning side -besides who wants to be on the side of collaborators and weak people like the French and warmongers in the past like Germany both of whom are now showing their old colours but once again.

    And as for any fight in Bagdad we are hearing all the same dribble as we heard in Afghanistan. Even hardened ex servicemen were coming out with dire predictions of our troops going home in body bags -and at the time I disagreed -as I figured we had the brains and the technology not to make the same mistakes being caught up canyons like the Russkys. No way can they hold Bagdad or give us any real opposition -if so you believe in faires at the bottom of the garden. The criminal Hussein will be out of there with all of his cowardly accomplices who only know how to torture, murder and rape defenceless people -before you can say Jack Robinson. And ratbags like you on this forum give him comfort !!
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