#TheirABC's latest news Orlando is ALL about homophobia...

  1. 7,449 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Two Scenario's:-

    ONE A lunatic walks into gay bar and kills 50 gay men.

    Probably he was homophobic. Even #theirABC could spot it.

    TWO A lunatic calls 911 expresses his a allegiance to ISIS, then walks into a gay bar and kills 50 men.

    Probably he was Islamic. Even #theirABC could spot it.

    If they cared...


    It is not like anybody  hasn't noticed the other 9000 people killed in the name is Islam so far this year.  There is context. There is form.

    In fact the ABC's  perspective is an insult to all those who have died and the families of those so killed.


    Furthermore this pedantic stewing (see "the Drum" ) denies reasonably smart Australians their intelligence and commonsense.  The official assumption that all Australians are dumber than two thick planks is equally bigoted.

    Worse than that - it is dangerous.

    There are war clouds on the horison.
    Last edited by denk12: 13/06/16
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