Then drink your coffee without milk., page-3

  1. 81,502 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    At first glance one might think that this should not be in world political forum - but, sooner or later it will be a political debate.

    although agonisingly slow as it is for the human race to progress to a better being which creates less harm and pain to all other creatures - the time will come where clearly painful practices like this will be outlawed and international treaties will enforce that.

    killing animals for eating will definitely stop - meat will be grown in factories or alternatives will be found that overtake the market - that’s a given IMO - dairy may well go the same way - however, perhaps it’s technically possible to get cows to produce milk without actually being in calf - the future will see to that

    one thing is sure is that if you could get a product out of a cow that had a happy life with no emotional stress- marketing alone would rapidly overtake any old method dairy products- assuming price equality or less - one other thing is certain - if marketing didn’t do it solely - legislators will - and treaties by global politics

    and - yep - I like milk in my coffee
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