there are termite inspectors

  1. 16,775 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 139
    And there are pest controllers and there are the Dodgy Brothers.

    Now I know I'm a bit of an idiot, and this will prove it.
    When we bought this house about 40 or so years ago I didn't even look at it. She Who Must Be Obeyed and the kids did, I just rang the agent and said we'll have it.
    "But you haven't seen it" she said. "Never mind I said, just tell 'em we'll have it".

    And we got a pest inspection from a bloke, who we continued to hire for years, and he said it was OK after going round and checking the walls with a little heat sensor and doing a visual inspection in the roof.
    Then a few years ago my neighbour, who by this time had become a mate, rang me up to tell me the people who were putting a new kitchen in had found white ants everywhere. I got him to ask the pest bloke who came to check the rest of his place to.come and have a look at ours.

    Well he did come, and he outlined his plan to defend the house from termites, and that would involve putting baiting traps at short intervals all round the house; regular
    inspections every 3 months, not just of the house but the sheds, fenceposts and suspect trees, in which he drilled holes and put baits in too.
    Turns out he is the president of some organisation of accredited pest controllers and he's been.coming here and next door for years now. He also put baiting stations for rats ,& mice around the house. I think I might have done a post on how my same neighbour had his new car practically destroyed by rats and it took over 12 months to get it fixed. Lightning does appear to strike twice in the same place.

    So getting to the point of the story, unless you have got a pest bloke like my neighbour found, maybe you've got somebody like I had for years who really only does a.cursory visual inspection and then writes you a certificate which is worthles, it's a waste of time and could be.expensive as in this link below.

    ps I've not told my mate but the pest bloke said his termite invasion probably came from our place.

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