"...In Australia the percentage of urban land would be a lot...

  1. 2,086 Posts.
    "...In Australia the percentage of urban land would be a lot less, I'd say maybe less than .005%..."

    Yes, sure...and how much of Australia's land is worthless, and uninhabitable?? And what of the cost to develop new areas, with infrastructure and the like...materials and labour aren't too cheap these days, certainly not what they were in years gone past.

    "...With the internet and the potential not to have live close to work, why wouldn't you live else where..."

    Ok...How many jobs can actually be performed via the internet??

    A doctor can't perform surgery, nor a mechanic service a car...I can order my groceries via the internet, but someone still has to pick them, pack them, deliver them....students can get notes from the net, but they still need contact hours with their lecturers.

    And then what about recreational activities??

    Is it plausible to drive for an hour or two on a saturday morning to take the kids to their footy match or training...or that massage you so desperately need...or visiting friends...a night on the town, a nice dinner and a few bets at the casino.

    Sure, one can go live out bush...cheap as chips for a huge plot of land...but our society is geared towards lifestyles in an urban setting. There aren't too many around willing to forego the comforts and convenience of an urban lifestyle...and whilst on the whole it is prohibitively expensive to develop too far beyond our current habitations, we will continue to condense within the areas we already occupy.

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