The dominant narrative being pushed on these forums is that the...

  1. 6,398 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    The dominant narrative being pushed on these forums is that the current massive slide in opinion polls for the government and Turnbull himself is because he's been revealed as some sort of leftist stooge and that the populace is rejecting his communist policies. IMO nothing could be further from the truth. The massive bounce in the polls following his ousting of Abbott was a clear rejection of the hard-right agenda of the last few years, and reflected hope that he'd rein in the worst excesses and pull things back to the sensible middle ground. The slide is a reflection of the fact that he's barely managed to do a damn thing, and the most destructive policies remain front and center in the agenda.

    It's not the PM, it's the whole rotten rabble.
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