Ddzx that is the fallen world we live in we are bound by natural...

  1. RM
    7,410 Posts.
    Ddzx that is the fallen world we live in we are bound by natural laws there I s no state of Eden, that was lost with the sin of man. Chaos, disease, death are all symptomatic of the evil that exists.

    Jesus explains this

    Matthew chapter 5:45

    that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

    An unjust man bush walking may stumble over a gold nugget while a just man might accidentally fall to his death stumbling into a disused mine shaft.

    We are all bound to the laws of nature and what you see Ddzx is the breakdown from the perfect order that once was but will return

    Ddzx I know each time I bring this up you do not have the courage to answer with any cohesion or clarity.

    When the little boy Buddha sat in the dark shade of the Bodhi tree squinting so hard to find enlightenment all he could see was the decay and disorder of suffering.

    See Ddzx Buddha only taught about dukkha ...and the end of suffering.
    The boy Buddha had no real understanding of the why he just saw it and was fearful.

    Ddzx that is why the Buddha could not explain evil and how convoluted and tortuous the Buddhist try to avoid the issue that they refuse to accept is even real. But reality shows us everyday Ddzx the evil does exist no matter how hard you deny it.

    The question of evil had been terribly destructive to your faith system Ddzx as Buddha could not address it.

    Ddzx God sees the future, he sees our evil well before we commit the act.

    Ddzx don't you think God understands the evil of man and do you think that it will actually thwart his plans. Ddzx you leave the realm of little boy Buddha and join the wishful hope of the occult.

    Again I understand if you won't reply I know that from previous attempts you have no answer provided from the dark canopy of the Bodhi tree, at best just tangential babblings not addressing the reality of evil.

    Have a great day ddzx

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