there's only one peaceful religion, page-130

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Only a fool would say this.

    not at all. I am an expert on God just as I am an expert of the Tooth Fairy & Santa Claus

    only a fool (and a liar) would assert something to exist that has no evidence for its existence

    Or a troll

    as above. ddzx is not a troll but a speaker of truth

    since you decided to challenge, ddzx will take a special interest in you since you obviously need help & ddzx is compassionate


    you need to give up your obsession with evolution & material things because Jesus came to share with the world Spiritual (Mental) Gifts rather than material things

    as he said in John: "flesh is flesh, spirit is spirit, you must be born anew of the Spirit"

    the more you post about evolution, the more you post heresy & blasphemy about Jesus since the good message of Jesus was about spiritual love

    If no one can answer the ramifications are that there isn't even one TRUTH (fact) to support the great lie.

    my dear troll man

    probably the only truly honest man was Buddha

    Buddha taught that talk about how the world was created is unprofitable & unnecessary. he called it "animal talk" (monkey/baboon talk)

    Buddha, like Jesus, was concerned with the alleviation of human suffering & unhappiness

    you wish to believe a God created the physical universe so this same God can give you life after death

    you wish this because your mind suffers with fear & angst with the thought that you are mortal

    your faith appears to be a product of your greed, your fear, your selfishness & your lust

    none of these are Gifts of the Spirit

    the more you waste your time trying to debunk evolution & assert a Creator God (both of which generally what cannot be known fully), the more you waste your life & your time because Jesus taught you must cultivate this Tree of Life with diligence & watchfulness

    it your negligence, you will be taken away in a big crash, as Jesus taught

    Can you tell me anything you KNOW about Evolution? Any one thing? Any one thing that is true?

    your questions are equally applicable to your idea of a creator God, although evidence points closer to evolution since there is no evidence whatsoever for a Creator God

    but I myself have no interest in evolution


    because I am not a sinner like you

    I have listened to The Word and put it into practise

    where as you waste you life by not cultivating Gifts of the Spirit

    James 1:24
    For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

    because you still fear death & do not know salvation (freedom), you show yourself to not be a doer of the word

    if you were a doer of the word, you would post on this forum about how others can find real true joy & happiness


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