there's only one peaceful religion, page-167

  1. 3gb
    963 Posts.
    The industrial revolution was in the 1800s I believe. Printing at least in the middle ages possibly the chinese had it earlier. Farming dates may be 10,000 years. You cant imagine these are significant. The wheel, penicillin. These things had a bigger impact to the people of there day than has personal computers or cell phones to us in recent times.
    You have asked for evidence of evolution, presumably the example I gave of cars evolving in complexity, of which there is evidence all around us, isnt sufficient.

    If you go to a natural history museum and examine the fossil record the further back you go the simpler the life forms. Several hundred million years ago there are only sea creatures, the earliest are shell fish and small creatures with limited organs and abilities. Before them it was single celled organisms and before that no life just natural elements (one presumes). In the last 100 million years or so we have an ever increasing variety of plant and animal life.
    So unless one refuses to accept the fossil record it is common sense that over the last 500 million years there is irrefutable evidence of growing complexity. This is evidence of evolution. I can not give a personal guarantee to this as I havent been around that long.
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