there's only one peaceful religion, page-176

  1. 7,432 Posts.
    the anti evolutionists imho are trying to introduce instead the science of creationism mainly chiefly to validate their position that every word in the Bible particularly the Old Testament is Truth as written by God.

    This hypothesis that all of the Bible is to be taken literally especially applies to Genesis. Interestingly it is Genesis that is most used to explain the world biblically to young primary school children.

    I believe it was the recent craze on Dinosaurs amongst children from Jurassic Park movies etc that put the creationists on fire.I'd never heard the assertion that dinosaurs were around with Adam and somehow missed the boat with Noah's Ark when I went to Sunday school/Catechism lessons.
    then again in those days the Bible was interpreted as being Allegorical as well as Literal.There didn't seem to be all these "scholars" being paid by who knows to dispense this alternative science.

    anyhow seems the chief value/ethic that wants to be 'educated' on the kiddies is that everything in the Bible is true and literal particularly Genesis and once they have that drummed into the kids then all and everything chapter and verse is God's message to be explained to you by your friendly local minister/pastor but never a priest
    oh and you can get updates via the school 'chappie'.

    jesus can you imagine setting a curiculum for religious studies.
    Christians here squabble over whether there is a Hell/Purgatory/Limbo and Heaven.Even if your dead dog will greet you in heaven[if you get there]
    They fundamentally differ on single vs triple God Head.

    Think you should be careful what you wish for.
    Introing religious study to the secular classroom especially at Secondary level could leave the black arm band history 'wars' in the shade.

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