You might see a few minutes break in my posts just now...

  1. 85,919 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    You might see a few minutes break in my posts just now -----------

    this is because I just had a doorstop chat with the mother of an enginner who worked and trained in the Nuclear stations in France - 2 or 3 of them I think. And he also travels internationally and worked in SK for about a year I think.

    I didn't give her any leading information - nothing. I said that our opposition has just come out with a plan to build some nuclear power stations in Australia by 2037

    she said ------------------------------ pfffffffffffffffffft!

    that was it

    I then began to say that we had no nuclear industry - she interrupted and said - 'it wouldn't matter if you had'.

    thank god I didn't tell her about the STEMS brain drain or the gutting of STEMS research in the last years or mention the severe shortage of nuclear workers

    'pfffffffffffffffft!' was enough

    ps - I can't spell the sound that the French make for 'that's ridiculous' ------- it's more lid a farting pfffffffffffffft ---- but, pffffffffffffffft will suffice

    not really one of these, but one gets the picture
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