they are nothing but rabble

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    Is anyone watching Question time at the moment? Those rat bags are at it again. Disrupting the necessary functioning of government by moving a motion of no confidence in the government on the very day that we have had an enormous increase in employment, the recent passing of the very nice medical rebate legislation and other good things going on. What a farce. The Minister for Pleasing (Big Joe) gets up and gainsays the Australian people by telling all that the Australians are sick of the government. The consequences of this very silly little school boy brat act can be nothing but detrimental to all Australians, The Liberals should be completely and utterly ashamed of themselves. And their supporters, many of them in here, should realize that they are being conned by the biggest con game going implemented and persisted with by non other than Mr Abbott who is obviously being instructed by non other, yes you guessed it, Little John.
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