Caricature of Holy Trinity in Journal Hurts Feelings of...

  1. 189 Posts.
    Caricature of Holy Trinity in Journal Hurts Feelings of Christians

    Country: France
    Category: Social Hostility / Intolerance
    Attack against: Morals
    Area of case: Media
    Tags: Intolerance towards Religious Symbols | Hate Incident
    November 2012: In an attempt to support a bill legalising same-sex “marriage” the journal Charlie Hebdo published the 7th of November a front page image that depicted the three persons of the Holy Trinity engaging in homosexual intercourse. The caricature transcends any standards of decency. It does not respect religious feelings in a way that one might speak of hate incident.
    In response to the publication the French association Avenir de la Culture, member of the Federation Pro Europa Christiana, has directed an open letter to the Minister for the Family requesting her support in a petition denouncing the “Christianophobic image.”
    In support of Avenir de la Culture the Italian Foundation Lepanto has issued a petition.
    View the less offensive half of the image here (to protect your feelings).
    View the entire image here.
    Italian petition:

    Those 3 million people in Paris did not see all pictures, otherwise they could change their mind.
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