As the late Israeli stateman, Abba Eban said,They (the...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    As the late Israeli stateman, Abba Eban said,

    They (the Palestinians -read Arabs) never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    The bible mentions only 10 plagues.

    Well, the world is now going to witness the 11th.

    It's name? Amerikayim.....

    As I've said, the hand of god works in mysterious ways.

    And to the athiests who are going to give me s*hit, who cares if you are right or not.....Lesson time starts soon.

    The Iraqis will thank us. (the Western world) We will take them out of their slavery and bondage.

    They might even be able to celebrate their own version of ...Passover!

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