sandlion,"3. Hoarding vast amounts of private wealth, very very...

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    "3. Hoarding vast amounts of private wealth, very very secretly"

    Gee, would hate to think some illegitimate means may have been used in the getting and keeping of that wealth.

    Many in the world could benefit right now from that wealth.

    Wonder how much money was spun off in the Iraq war and put into war chests in Switzerland? BLOODY HEAPS FOR SURE.

    If you've got 10 minutes, there is a link below to a short movie by Terry Gilliam (Monty Python fame). It's a real hoot. Have a look if you've got a spare 10 minutes.

    "The Very Big Corporation of America" execs don't jump out the windows these days unless they have golden parachutes.
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