@BCCanuck; even the USA has commenced calling out Australia's...

  1. 47,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @BCCanuck; even the USA has commenced calling out Australia's worst 'socialist offenders' - overseas 'investors' and property speculators who've made property 'impossibly unaffordable' throughout Australia's capitals cities - Sydney and Brisbane being the worst ones even as the situation in Melbourne is beginning to ease.

    The Coalition's Socialist Ponzi economic model based on governments forcing up property prices to create and illusion of 'wealth' has created a massive property bubble that's unsustainable and overdue to deflate.

    Our governments have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the protection rackets for criminal syndicates and property developers - except in Victoria where the Coalition and Murdoch Mouthpieces are as mad as cut snakes because Labor governments are re-creating Melbourne from the ground up based on a model that does NOT require everyone living in Melbourne to travel to the CBD every day.
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