"there are area's/ certain classes of property where thereis...

  1. 1,965 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    "there are area's/ certain classes of property where there
    is little on offer to be taken up, it would be helpfull
    if the permabears could make their points as such a little
    more clear."

    How many permabears exactly are on these property forums? I've not heard one state property it's *never* a good time to buy. Conversely there is plenty with the reverse sentiment. It's no good being perma anything, and I would say most 'bears' have had property in the past (if not currently). You may be a bear on property and hold, as you might well consider it the lesser of two evils. Leveraging yourself, instead of locking up existing capital, is another story.
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