this doesnt say much for mccain

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    I'm not sure if I have this link correct but if so, I just can't imagine how an ad like this can do any good for John McCain.

    It will come as no surprise to you that I would much prefer Obama.

    However, I really do find it to be in rather poor taste, that an elderly man like McCain would agree to the use of the troubled lives and subsequent damaged reputation of two young American girls, to try to score political points against Obama. And that is basically what he's doing. I find it rather irresponsible and kind of 'off' that an elderly man who claims to be a good candidate for the presidency would resort to this sort of low,'magazine' behaviour.

    Not sure if others see it that way, but I can't understand if Obama hasn't highlighted this tactic. I really do find that to be more 'below the belt' than stuff we usually see, which is usually low enough anyway.

    And, I find it rather unfair on those two girls who haven't chosen to have anything to do with the campaign. Sure they're not my cup of tea, but they do have Mums and Dads and brothers and sisters and grandmas and grandads, and in Spear's case, children of her own, and I find it rather disgraceful that a major political party is willing to use their damaged reputations in this way. Repulsive actually.
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