This guy got a Victorian driver's licence with a pasta strainer on his head

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    This guy got a Victorian driver's licence with a pasta strainer on his head

    Tom Cowie
    November 29 2016 - 6:08PM


    The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is one step closer to legitimacy in Victoria after a man was issued with a driver's licence showing him wearing a colander on his head.

    Marcus Bowring, a search engine optimisation consultant from Windsor, was issued the licence after he had his photo taken while dressed in the religion's customary headgear at the Carlton VicRoads office earlier this year.

    The 34-year-old said he expected a steamy reception when he prepared to face the camera after a fellow Pastafarian initially had a similar request knocked back last year.

    However when Mr Bowring got to the front of the queue, he found that the response from VicRoads was less strained than he'd anticipated.

    "I kept the strainer in a bag until it was time to take the photo because I was bit worried that there were a few bigots around that might not accept it," he said.

    "But the young guy that was taking the photo was quite happy. He said something along the lines of 'respect' or 'well done'. He was perfectly fine with it."

    While he was pleased the photo was taken without things boiling over, Mr Bowring wasn't confident that his application would be accepted.

    But just a few weeks later his licence arrived featuring the image that he'd dreamed of.
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