DJIA 0.31% 26,683 dow jones industrials

Kevi if you look at my posts here and in the Gold thread there...

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    Kevi if you look at my posts here and in the Gold thread there are links to ample information which shows the Dow is today in Fantasy Land. The Dow could rally some more, but the foundations are built on sand with tapped out consumers, housing continuing to sink with ugly implications, unemployment continuing to increase etc. etc.

    Spin TV is quite sad - they are grasping at straws and inventing anything as long as they can spin a bullish story. One spinner told us the economic recovery is going to lead housing up. lol rofl. We were previously told how the housing boom was important and bullish for the US economy. Now in Wishland the US economy is going to somehow recover which will in turn lead to a recovery in housing.
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