this is a fantastic forum, page-16

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    thanks boatboy and all for the encouraging remarks.
    since the thumbs went I often wonder whether I'm talking to myself - have no way of guaging do we?

    I too enjoy all your posts.

    even the naysayers - although I am hugely perplexed how they can keep defending the indefensible!

    Loyalty is one thing - but when things turn rotten - it's time to stand up and admit something's terribly, hugely wrong
    with this Gillard Goosestepper.

    Note with most "dictators" - which she's fast becoming - the populace don't seem to wake up to the enormity of what's being done to them until it's far too late.

    Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Nero, Caligula, the four-eyed git in Nth. Korea - the African dictators - and so it goes. If only they'd been nipped in the bud, how different history would have been. And how many people would not have lost their lives.

    The only "weapons" we've got at present are our voices.
    But we will win - just give it time.

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