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  1. 18,060 Posts.
    Australian Sheik calls for “armies of Jihad” to conquer West

    Andrew BoltAPRIL142016(8:40am)

    Who let this Jordanian settle in Sydney, when he preaches such dangerous hate?
    Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, the Australian head of Hizb ut Tahrir, now tells Islamists in Turkey ”to lead the armies of Jihad that will conquer Europe and America”:

    Do not trust the oppressors. Do not trust America, Europe or NATO. They are all enemies. Their hearts are black. They hate you, your religion, your Muhammad, and your Koran… Start dealing with them before they start dealing with you. Cut off their hands before they sow corruption upon the land.
    More of his familiar Jew-hatred, too, claiming Jews and Freemasons “killed our mother, abolished our Caliphate”.
    Wahwah has preached this Jew-hatred in Australia, too:

    THE top Australian cleric of extremist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir has ramped up his hate speech in a rant referring to Jews as who have “corrupted the world” and will “pay for blood with blood”.

    In the latest tirade to surface, cleric Ismail al-Wahwah — representing an organisation whose stated aim is to take over the world — said recognising Jews constituted the “epitome of evil” because that would “strengthen the cancerous entity"…
    In Mr al-Wahwah’s latest video speech, he says “refraining from fighting (Jews) constitutes widespread evil”.
    “Jews are the most evil creature of Allah. Moral corruption is linked to the Jews, prostitution in the world began with the Israelites. Usury and gambling began with the Israelites, killing began with the Israelites.”

    And his spokesman has warned us not to blame Muslims if they bomb us in retaliation for our alleged oppression:
    Or as Hizb ut Tahrir Australia spokesman Wassim Doureihi told a crowd of Sydney Muslims last year: “Even if a thousand bombs went off in this country, all that it will prove is that the Muslims are angry and they have every reason to be angry.”
    (Thanks to reader Chunks.)
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